There are several things that may cause your conditional logic to fire incorrectly, or not at all. Please see the options below for a solution.
Renamed Field Options:
If you have renamed the field option which is supposed to show a field if selected, then you will need to edit your conditional logic for that statement, and re-select the new field option.
For example, if you have a dropdown list called, "Sizes", and by selecting Large in that dropdown list it is supposed to show the "Large Monogram" field. But you recently changed the option of "Large" to say something else like, "Large + Monogram" then you will need to go into the conditional logic that you previously set up, and select the new "Large + Monogram" option.
After changing the name, and going into the conditional logic, you'll notice that the top option is blank. Simply re-select the newly named option.
Product Options Snippet Not Located in Form Tag:
Another common reason that this could be happening is that the first snippet in our installation was not placed in the correct place. Please ensure that this snippet is located inside of the form tag in your product template.
Please refer to our theme installation tutorial for the proper way of installing the app: