Many of our installations or tutorials typically require the copying and pasteing of a div or snippet. In some cases, this is pasted within the form tag on your product page.If you are having trouble locating your Product Form tag, please refer to the tutorial below!
Go to your theme and click Actions then Edit Code:
Now go to the Templates folder and open the product.liquid file:
If your product.liquid is mostly empty like this, then look for something similar to {% section 'product-template' %}
This tells us where the rest of the code is. Section is the name of the folder the file is in and 'product-template' is the name of the file that contains more code:
Inside the product-template file, press ctrl + F to search for form:
The form can appear as < form > or {% form %}, this varies by theme.
If you instead find something like {% include 'product-form' %} or {% render 'product-form' %} then the form will be in a separate file called product-form.liquid located in the Snippets folder: