Turn Offer into Draft order




  • Official comment
    W3 Support

    Hello Christian,

    This is already a standard feature of the app. Once a customer accepts the quote, it is automatically converted into a draft order in Shopify.

    If you are experiencing issues or have additional questions, please contact our support team at support@w3trends.com.


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  • Christian Horstenkamp

    Thanks! Mostly our customers dont click the accept button but instead send purchase order pdfs or simple emails with additional order details to be recognized. Cant they be created by default? The accept order button is never used by our corporate customers.

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  • W3 Support


    The quote can also be converted into a draft order when the status of the quote is changed to "accepted" from the app admin. If you would like us to enable this feature for you, please send a message to support@w3trends.com and the support team can assist you.

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