This articles will help you customize the appearance of the app or to change the look of a particular component. We recommend that you have some knowledge of CSS before altering your style sheet on your theme.
You may need to use the !important tag after using a CSS selector in order to override styles from another app or the apps default styles. If you have any questions please feel free to reach out to use at support@w3trends.com.
We recommend adding the styles to the bottom of the style sheet and use a comment to signify what the styles are for.
/*======== W3trends - Easy Purchase Orders - Styles ========*/
Generate PO Button
/*Modal Container*/
.save-purchase-order-w3 {}
Modal Styles
/*Modal Background Overlay*/
.po-modal {}
/*Modal Container*/
.po-modal-content {}
/*Modal Close Button*/
.po-close {}
Email Request Modal Content
/*Modal Text*/
.po-modal-content p {}
/*Email Input*/
#po-input-email {}
/*Submit Button*/
#po-submit {}
/*Submit Button Text*/
#po-submit span {}
Response Modal Content
/*Response Text*/
.po-modal-content p{}
Need help finding your styles sheet? Click here!