Adding the Public Notes to the order lookup page is quick and easy!
If you wish to add the Public Notes to the Order Lookup that the customer will see, simply follow the few steps listed below:
Step 1: Find the Order Lookup Settings
Open the Custom Order Status by W3 admin in the apps section of your Shopify store and navigate to the Order Lookup Settings tab.
Step 2: Edit Order Detail Template
On the Order Lookup Settings page scroll down until you come across the Order Detail Template. Click inside the Order Detail Template HTML editor to move your cursor inside the editor.
To make things a little easier, you can press F11 when your cursor is inside the editor to enter full screen editing (Press Esc to exit full screen editing mode.)
Step 3: Paste Shortcode!
Search for order-lookup-order-note in the HTML editor.
The snippet should look like the following:
<div class="order-lookup-order-note">Note: <span>{{note}}</span></div>
Scroll within this section until you locate this snippet: "<div class="order-lookup-order-note">Note: <span>{{note}}</span></div>"
After the closing span (</span>) and before the closing div (</div>) of the line paste the following app shortcode. You can also add a title here to differentiate between the cart notes and the notes assigned by the app.
The snippet should now look like the following:
<div class="order-lookup-order-note">Note: <span>{{note}}</span>{{w3_public_notes}}</div>
Step 4: Save!
Click Save Settings at the bottom of the Order Lookup Settings page to make the changes live. If you have any questions please feel free to reach out to us at support@w3trends.com with any questions you might have.