You may notice a small, "Loading..." icon appear on all of your product pages after installing the Product Accessories app. This is normal, and this is how the app is intended to work.
We very briefly load this text on your page to show the customer that there is something happening and it typically prevents them from very quickly pressing the "Add To Cart" button before our app has had a chance to load.
We want them to see the Accessories BEFORE they checkout, so that you can sell more products, right?
You may also be wondering why it very briefly loads on pages with no accessories assigned to them at all.
The brief second that you see the loading text on pages without accessories, is that our app is checking to see if it has any accessories to show. We check the Admin to see if there are accessories assigned to this product first. If not, the loading text goes away in a fraction of a second.
If there ARE accessories assigned to this product, we then loop through them and make sure they're in stock. And if they are, we display them on the page.
If you would prefer that this "Loading..." text does not appear on your products, you can hide it by following this quick simple tutorial: